
Creation of the global artistic direction of the Money Walkie brand and its connected object “Walkie”. A fun service dedicated to children to become financially independent.
Group Copy 6 Created with Sketch.
Branding / UI / Illustration / Teaser 2d & 3d
Creating within Mayanne trias studio
Sandy Dauneau - 3D Character Teaser
Group Copy 6 Created with Sketch.
The “Walkie” is a contactless wallet for children. The purpose of this service is to engage the dialogue between child and parent about the money in a playful and non-judgmental way.
Logo Money Walkie
Mockup logo Moneyr Walkie
Ecrans application Money Walkie
Ecran app : Choisir son walkie
Ecran app : Rechargement
Ecran app : Action rechargement walkie
Ecran app : Introduction concept slider 1
Ecran app : Introduction concept slider 2
Ecran app : Introduction concept slider 3
Ecran app : Introduction concept slider 4
Un walkie pour tous les goûts
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Sillage Paris